Learn strategies to deepen your thinking about various workplace topics. Enhance memory skills and build greater understanding. Apply your ideas effectively, and analyze arising issues in depth. Evaluate products, services, and procedures. Enhance your deductive and inductive reasoning to build strong logical arguments. Avoid the logical fallacies that trip up many writers and thinkers. Think with greater depth and clarity for improved effectiveness on the job.
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Guaranteed To Go
Section Description
Additional Information
Final Enrollment: ${FinalEnrollmentDate}
CEUs: ${CEUHours}
CPE: ${CreditHours}
Clock Hours: ${ClockHours}
Load Hours: ${LoadHours}
Lecture/Lab Ratio: ${LectureLabRatio}
Potential Discount
Cost Information
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Sold Out
${CostLabel}: ${Cost}
${DepositLabel}: ${InitialDepositAmount}
${DepositLabel}: ${InitialDepositAmount}
If you are purchasing a course for someone including yourself and your agency/ organization is paying please click the link below to log into the Purchaser Portal You are on the waitlist
${Name} | ${Cost} |